
The Power of SaniSilver: Next-Gen Disinfectant

Introducing SaniSilver, your ultimate disinfectant solution for superior area decontamination. Harnessing the power of hydrogen peroxide, SaniSilver stands as a non-toxic bactericide that offers unparalleled protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and mycoplasma. This unique disinfectant, part of our innovative SaniSystem, delivers comprehensive virus disinfection and bacteria control. Designed with biosecurity in mind, SaniSilver effectively combats pathogens, including avian flu, swine flu, and bird flu. SaniSilver, a broad-spectrum solution, excels in the fight against harmful pathogens, including Salmonella. Whether it’s ensuring virus disinfection, bacteria control, or Salmonella control, SaniSilver is your reliable partner.


So, what makes SaniSilver stand out among disinfectants?

  • Broad-Spectrum Efficacy for Comprehensive Protection – SaniSilver’s strength extends beyond common pathogens. Its powerful hydrogen peroxide and silver nitrate formulation effectively combats gram-positive bacteria, fungi, yeasts, spore-forming sheathed and unsheathed viruses, protozoa, and biofilms. SaniSilver provides comprehensive protection against various pathogens, ensuring your facility is safe from multiple threats.
  • Proven Effectiveness Against Diverse Pathogens – SaniSilver has been tested and proven effective against various pathogens. Its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties have been confirmed as non-toxic in humans. SaniSilver disinfects by oxidising harmful microorganisms, breaking down into eco-friendly water and oxygen upon contact with organic material.
  • The Role of Silver Nitrate Activation – SaniSilver utilises silver nitrate to stabilise and activate its hydrogen peroxide. In contact with organic matter, the silver activates the hydrogen peroxide, promoting efficient internal oxidation of microbial cells. This unique mechanism ensures that SaniSilver disinfects better than ordinary hydrogen peroxide without building up resistance in microorganisms.
  • Unmatched Adaptability and Versatility in Disinfection – SaniSilver’s adaptability shines under diverse conditions. It remains highly active regardless of organic matter, heavy soiling, or hard water presence. It operates effectively across a broad temperature range up to a boiling point. SaniSilver can be applied via surface disinfection, dip, spray, thermal fog or ULV application, making it a versatile choice for various industries and applications.
  • Prioritising Eco-Friendliness and Safety – SaniSilver’s non-toxic formula ensures minimal environmental impact. Its eco-friendly nature means you can maintain biosecurity without compromising the surrounding ecosystem. Gentle on the skin and free from irritating odours, SaniSilver leaves no sticky residues, ensuring a safe and comfortable application experience.

Why SaniSilver Tops the Disinfectant List

By investing in SaniSilver, you’re choosing a comprehensive and versatile disinfectant solution that excels in broad-spectrum efficacy, proven effectiveness, and adaptability, all while maintaining eco-friendliness and non-toxicity. Its unique silver nitrate activation, exceptional potency against pathogens, and compatibility with multiple application methods make SaniSilver stand out among disinfectants.

SaniSilver excels over alternatives in efficacy, safety, and environmental impact.

Trusted in industries such as food and beverage, dairy, brewery, food processing, and healthcare, SaniSilver’s effectiveness can be measured through pathogen load reductions before and after disinfection, aiming for a minimum virus load reduction of 95%, ideally 99.9%, to maintain high hygiene standards.

The SaniSilver Advantage

In conclusion, SaniSilver’s unmatched versatility, efficiency, and safety make it a superior choice in the battle against harmful pathogens. With low toxicity, high biodegradability, and minimal environmental impact, SaniSilver is a sustainable solution for large-scale disinfection efforts. Please reach out to us today to explore how SaniSilver can be your trusted solution for comprehensive disinfection.